Top 5 Causes of Elderly Depression

Top 5 Causes of Elderly Depression

Depression in the elderly years is serious and common. It affects a senior person’s eating habits, sleeping routines, and even personal care activities. On one hand, depression is not a sign of weakness at all. In fact, anybody can be depressed no matter their age, gender, or economic status. But as it opens for unhealthy consequences on the affected person, depression should be spotted earlier.

As leading providers of non-medical home care in San Jose, California, we would like to zoom in on elderly depression. From our years of experience in caring for the elderly, we have seen the usual trend of its signs that we can fairly recommend for you to spot them easily on your beloved. We’re looking forward that with this post, you can work on easing the causes of elderly depression, while at the same time meeting the emotional needs of your senior family member in the best way you can.

Elderly depression commonly occurs around the time that the senior person experiences the following:

  1. Illness
    Diseases in the old age can pose life-threatening risks to your elderly loved one. Understandably so because some illnesses can inhibit their normal functioning. When your independence is suddenly taken away from you by an illness, you would naturally feel an overwhelming sadness for that loss.
  2. Bereavement
    While grief is sacred in every person, we can simply imagine the depth of bereavement of an elderly person when their spouse passes on. After having an exclusive companion for decades, you’re suddenly left all by yourself, you would surely feel sorrowful about the loss. Right?
  3. Fear of death
    Depression can also be caused by the fear of death’s cold arms. While everybody ends up in this winter season, the seniors naturally feel closer to this in years. This fear can trigger low feelings that might be debilitating to their overall well-being.
  4. Loneliness
    While seniors can celebrate a long list of milestones in their years, they’re also faced with the challenge of loneliness. Their kids have already grown up and are with their own families. Their pals have either moved to another state or to the better place in paradise. The feeling that nobody their age is available to talk to them can be depressing indeed.
  5. Loss of purpose
    When age-related weaknesses and illnesses hit a senior person, this might cause them to think of their worth and purpose. They might brood over their limitations and get discouraged thinking nobody needs them anymore. When this thought infests in a person’s mind, depression is sure to thrive in.

When you detect these signs in your aging parent, be quick to take action. Help them feel that old age can’t stop anyone from finding joy and feeling good. You can also tap our home care services in California at Boundless Care, Inc. so your loved one will experience that life can still be lived meaningfully with the right dose of care. Is this post helpful? Don’t forget to share it with a friend!

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